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17.01.2011, 01:18

Welcome to sPlan 7.0

sPlan is an easy-to-handle and comfortable CAD-software, developed for electronic and electric circuit diagrams. Dragging and dropping components from the library to the diagram is as easy as it can be and components fit exactly to the grid.

All components and drawing elements are free editable on your circuit diagram. You can build groups, move, rotate, cut, copy, paste, delete,...

sPlan is equipped with lots of features like automatic component numbering and auto-generation of component lists.

sPlan produces high-quality printouts, which can be previewed to adjust scale and position of the print. All changes will take effect in the preview immediately.

The well-sorted library contains lots of parts, components and symbols. You can extend the library with your own components as you like.

We have spent much time to create an easy-to-handle software. After a short settling-in period you will see how easy it can be to create perfect circuit diagrams.

Категория: Для радиолюбителей | Добавил: Администратор
Просмотров: 15595 | Загрузок: 266 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 3
3 muxa006   (24.11.2011 00:44) [Материал]
Отличная прога! спабо.

Пожалуйста остав


Пожалуйста остав

1 Yoch   (23.09.2011 05:24) [Материал]
Файл удалён с файлообменника! dry

Пожалуйста остав

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